Remember DFL on #Giving Tuesday
November 25, 2020
December 1, 2020Fiji 2021 Registration Re-opening
Now we have had a few moments to focus on Fiji, we can announce that the waitlist registration will reopen on at the end of the month. Details are below. The date/time will depend on where you live.
Most participants from this year have carried over their registrations to next year. We have a HARD maximum number of divers – which means there are less than 10 diver spots available.
Important Registration Instructions
When we open the registration it will be a little different than normal.
1. All registration must be via the divingforlife.org online registration form. Every participant needs to register themselves individually.
2. Diver spots and rooms will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
3. You will need to register as a DIVER or NON-Diver. You will not be able to change your registration to DIVER if you decide later that you want to dive.
4. We have a few vacancies in the STANDARD & SINGLE room categories – HOWEVER, when registration reopens we will only open the lowest room category. Your final room type will be determined as we process your registration.
Cost of the different rooms can be found: divingforlife.org/2021-fiji-jamboree-information/trip-costs/
5. After we receive your registration–on a first in first served basis we will send you an email to your registered email address offering you a choice of two room types, and a link to send in the $500 deposit. Your deposit submission will confirm you in your room.
–YOU MUST reply within 24 hours with your preference
–YOU MUST PAY the deposit within 48 hours else you forfeit your position
Registration Opening Date / Time
To make it fair to people across different time zones, registration will reopen at midnight Greenwich Mean Time.
GMT 00:00 / midnight Sunday 29th Nov
New York 7:00 pm Saturday 28th Nov
Dallas 6:00 pm Saturday 28th Nov
Denver 5:00 pm Saturday 28th Nov
San Francisco 4:00 pm Saturday 28th Nov
Sydney 11:00 am Sunday 29th Nov